Judge Finds Probable Cause in Assault With a Dangerous Weapon Case

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On April 6, DC Superior Court Judge Renee Raymond found probable cause to charge Nikia Cunningham with one count of assault with a dangerous weapon. 

Cunningham, 28, is charged in connection to a shooting that occurred on March 28 on the 300 block of Franklin Street, NE. 

Judge Raymond stated that based on the evidence provided to the court, she found probable cause that Cunningham was the one to commit the crime.

According to court documents, Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers found one injured and one non-injured victim at the scene. Both victims lived in the apartment where the incident occurred.

One of the victims told police that the defendant and her husband had shown up to purchase drugs from the non-injured victim at his apartment. They arrived at his place with their 10-month-old baby and a couple of guns. 

At one point during the transaction, Cunningham began to compare guns that he had with the ones the victims’ brought. A gun was even pointed at the baby. 

The husband and wife then attempted to rob the dealer, which led him and his roommate to begin a tussling match with the husband. During the tussle, they fell down a flight of stairs, and, with the baby on her hip, Cunningham shot a gun, which injured the roommate’s face. 

The victim that endured the gunshot ran away to avoid being shot again, according to court documents. The defendant allegedly told the other victim to let her and her husband go or “she will kill him”. 

Officers were able to identify the shooter utilizing the husband’s Facebook page and a MPD database that linked the husband to Cunningham. The non-injured victim was able to identify the suspect with a photo array. 

Officers were able to recover the stolen guns from a trash can outside the defendant’s house. 

Cunningham was arrested two days after the incident at a hospital where she and her husband were attempting to access care for their baby. 

Judge Raymond rejected the defense attorney’s request to release the defendant, stating “no [release] conditions will ensure the safety of the community”. 

Parties are expected back in court on April 12.