Shooting at Shelter Draws a Plea Deal

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On Aug. 9, Avon Burke accepted a deal to plead guilty to two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon–a gun–in a hearing before DC Superior Court Judge Lynn Leibovitz

Burke, 51, was charged with two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon for his alleged involvement in a July 9 non-fatal shooting outside of a homeless shelter on the 1300 block of New York Avenue, NE. 

According to court documents, a fight broke out between Black and Latino men at the shelter in which bricks and shovels were used as weapons. In the hearing, Burke admitted to firing two rounds into the brawl, striking two victims and causing non-life-threatening injuries. 

The terms of the offer included Burke’s pleading guilty to two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon in exchange for a guarantee of no indictment on other charges and a sentence of up to ten years imprisonment. 

Judge Leibovitz accepted Burke’s guilty plea and scheduled a date for a sentencing hearing.  

Parties will return to court on Oct. 13.