Dept. of Behavioral Health Says Carjacking Defendant is Competent for Trial

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A carjacking defendant was deemed competent after an evaluation by the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH), according to DC Superior Court Judge Errol Arthur on July 18.

Javard Harris, 23, Omari Dantignac, 19, and Ion Cooper, 20, are charged with armed carjacking and possession of a firearm during a crime of violence for two carjackings on Dec. 1, 2023. The incidents occurred on the 1700 block of Bay Street, SE and the 900 block of 3rd Street, NE.

During the hearing, Judge Arthur alerted the parties that a report from DBH had found Harris to be competent to stand trial. 

Ralph Robinson, Harris’ defense attorney, and the prosecution did not object to the findings of the report. 

Molly Burke, counsel for Harris’ co-defendant, Dantignac, also negotiated for his release conditions to be modified, citing his perfect compliance report, the completion of his first semester of college and his work with a local school’s football team. 

Bunke mentioned that Dantignac hopes to work a new job and cannot do so under the terms of home confinement. She requested that her client be given a curfew, instead. 

Despite the prosecution’s objection, Judge Errol agreed to impose a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Parties are slated to return for a status hearing on Sept. 20.