Stabbing Defendant Calls Victim a ‘Liar’

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DC Superior Court Judge Judith Pipe ejected a defendant from the courtroom after calling a stabbing victim a “liar” on Sept. 12.

Tanade Warsame, 32, is charged with assault with significant bodily injury for his alleged involvement in stabbing an individual on May 4 on the 600 block of I Street, NW.

Prior to the parties picking a jury on Sept. 12, Warsame pleaded guilty to contempt of court. His remaining count is assault.

“You cannot bring a knife to a fist fight,” insisted the prosecution in opening statements, arguing that Warsame and the victim decided to fight after an argument in a dispute over a stolen hat. During the confrontation, Warsame allegedly escalated the situation, pulling a knife and stabbing the victim.

However, Brandon Burrell, Warsame’s attorney, disagreed. According to Burrell, a day before the incident, the victim took a hat from Warsame and did not give it back. According to Burrell, Warsame had a heated argument with the victim about the hat on the day of the incident, and said Warsame acted in self-defense after the victim threw a punch.

The prosecution called the victim to testify about the incident. 

He said he took Warsame’s hat “in a playful way,” and intended to give it back. Burrell in redirect asked the victim if he bought the hat from Warsame, but the victim said no. After Burrell showed footage of the victim telling police that he had bought the hat, he still disagreed and explained that he probably misunderstood the officer’s questions.

Moments before the jury was excused for the day, Warsame in an emotional outburst audibly called the victim a “liar”.

Judge Pipe removed Warsame from the courtroom for losing self-control.

Trial will continue with the victim’s testimony on Sept. 16.