Judge Won’t Let Stabbing Defendant Represent Himself

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DC Superior Court Judge Errol Arthur reappointed a lawyer to a “pro-se” defendant in a stabbing case after worries he could misrepresent himself acting as his own attorney. The ruling came on Sept. 13.

Brian Long, 42, is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon for his alleged involvement in a stabbing on Nov. 23, 2023 on the 4000 block of Minnesota Avenue, NE. One individual sustained injuries during the incident.

Judge Arthur previously allowed Long to represent himself alongside an attorney advisor at hearings.

In the hearing, Long asked the judge to appoint a civilian to represent him. However, Judge Arthur declined explaining that the charges were serious and he did not want Long to be represented incorrectly.

Judge Arthur reappointed Howard McEachern to be counsel of record.

Parties are slated to reconvene on Oct. 10.