Judge Continues Preliminary Hearing to Evaluate Murder Defendant’s Competency

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Questions over a murder defendant’s competency to stand trial caused a DC Superior Court judge to continue a preliminary hearing on Jan. 9

Matthew Walker is charged with first-degree murder while armed for allegedly shooting 32-year-old David Anthony Remen. The shooting occurred on the 1700 block of Hamlin Street, NE on Feb. 14, 2019.

Walker’s defense attorney, Andrew Ain, requested a continuance because he said he was “worried” that his client’s competency would not be fit for trial. He said he wanted those issues resolved.

The prosecutor also asked for a continuance because she wanted the case to be certified and sent to DC Superior Court Judge Anita Josey-Herring because she would be receiving the case soon anyways and wanted her to be up to speed with the case. Judge Neal Kravitz currently presides over the case.

Judge Kravitz continued the hearing to Feb 20.