Judges Release 27 Percent of DC Inmates (April 20-24)

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Judges presided over 97 defendants’ cases at the DC Superior Courthouse between April 20 and April 24. Of those cases, only 27 percent of the defendants were released.

DC Superior Court Judges Neal Kravitz, Danya Dayson, Robert Morin, Michael Ryan, Robert Okun and Juliet McKenna presided over all the cases. Most the cases included defendants charged with felonies and misdemeanors.

The defendants filed emergency motions for release due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Judge Danya Dayson has heard 61 hearings, most of the hearings that occurred during the week were for bond reviews. Judge Dayson released 16 defendants and denied release for 24 defendants. Of the cases, 36 percent of Judge Dayson’s hearings were repeated.

Judge Neal Kravitz heard one case during the week, which was a motion to reconsider a burglary defendant’s sentence. He denied the motion.

Judge Michael Ryan has heard 13 cases since April 20, releasing five defendants. Hearings for the rest of his cases were held. Dates for those hearings have not been set, as of April 27.

Judge Robert Okun presided over three cases, releasing all three defendants.

Chief Judge Robert Morin has mainly presided over fugitive from justice extradition hearings. He heard seven cases since April 20, dismissing charges for six defendants. He also set a nominal bail for Terri Seabrook in the amount of $10. Seabrook is charged with second-degree theft and unlawful entry of private property. D.C. Witness could not confirm if Seabrook paid the bail.

Judge Juliet McKenna has heard 12 cases since April 20. She released one defendant on April 23, dismissed two defendants’ fugitive from justice charges, waived two extradition hearings and issued five bench warrants. One defendant is still in the hospital and required to report to pretrial services. Another defendant’s citation hearing was rescheduled to July 9.

Five defendants who were arrested for charges, including unlawful entry and simple assault, were released from being held at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, DC’s psychiatric institution.

The judges placed all of the 26 released defendants under the High Intensity Supervision Program (HISP).