Judge Releases Several Defendants During Initial Hearings

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A DC Superior Court judge heard approximately 31 presentment hearings on June 8, allowing several defendants to be released while awaiting trial.

Many of the releases Judge Rainey Brandt granted included stay away orders.

Brandt released 20 defendants, postponed one case and held eight defendants in jail. She also ordered two defendants to turn themselves into authorities in other jurisdictions.

Devon Young Jr., who is charged with first-degree child sex abuse, and Isaac Onazi, who is charged with carrying a pistol without a license outside a home or business, were among those held in detention. 

There were also some instances of disruptive behavior, including one defendant yelling expletives at the judge.

A wide range of charges were brought before the court, including sexual assault, illegal weapon possession and drug offenses.

While there were defendants who attended their hearings in person, most attended virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.