Judge Releases 14 Out of 18 Defendants During Initial Hearings

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On June 23, District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Heide Herrmann held four defendants and released 14 defendants.

Of the 14 defendants released, three did not have charges filed against them by the prosecution.

Malcolm English was held on charges of assault, unlawful entry, attempted possession of a prohibited weapon and destruction of property. Judge Herrmann said she held him because of the seriousness of the charges and his criminal history.

Judge Herrmann also held Kareem Howard, who is charged with unlawful possession of a firearm. Police found a gun in a vehicle that Howard was seen leaving. The gun is allegedly a match for a gun that was fired on May 19.

Howard’s defense attorney argued that no fingerprint evidence has been found, and the gun was ever held by Howard. Nonetheless, the judge held him citing past criminal history.

Haile Wade, 39, is charged with unlawful possession of a firearm with a prior conviction. He has also had multiple unlawful carrying charges in his criminal history.

Wade’s defense attorney argued against the facts of the charge, saying that the complaining witness argued with Wade right before giving thtold polices the gun in question was not kept on Wade’s person. 

However, Judge Herrmann considered the weapon possession charge alongside Wade’s criminal history, and decided to hold him. She also told Wade’s attorney to file a medical alert for a suicide watch for Wade.

Adrian Proctor was held on charges of carjacking and attempted carjacking due to his criminal history. His co-defendant was released by the judge due to his lack of criminal history.

A defendant was released who was charged with being a fugitive from Maryland, and the prosecution was in agreement with his release.

Four misdemeanor defendants were also released, two of which had stay-away orders.

Four domestic violence defendants were released with stay-away order.