Judge Transfers Defendant to St. E’s

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A DC Superior Court judge transferred a defendant to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, DC psychiatric institution, after the defendant declined to participate in a  mental health evaluation.

Terell Brown is charged with a violation of a protective order and contempt of court for violating a previous release condition.

Brown declined to participate in a mental health evaluation on June 23. However, based only on Brown’s files, Grant suggested that Brown may be currently incompetent to stand trial.

Brown was previously on the mental health floor of DC Jail where he was receiving treatment. According to his lawyer, there has been no change in his mental state. 

Judge Michael Ryan granted the defense’s request to move Brown to St. Elizabeth’s with no opposition from the prosecution. Judge Ryan said he believes the hospital would ne a “less stressful environment” for Brown to understand the proceedings against him and help his attorney in the case.

Brown is scheduled to appear in court again on July 23 to review his progress at St. Elizabeth’s. The hearing will also evaluate if he is competent to stand trial.