Defendant Required to Serve Probation Time for Sex Abuse

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On July 8, a defendant pleaded guilty to second-degree sexual abuse. A DC Superior Court judge sentenced him to nearly 6 months in prison.

Eric Metzker penetrated a woman with his finger while she was asleep on Jan. 1, 2018.

The incarceration time was suspended, but Metzker is required to serve three years on probation.

The prosecution requested that Metzker receive four years on probation for the crime. The prosecutor said one of the years needed to be supervised. He also asked that Metzker partake in an alcohol and sexual abuse education course.

Defense attorney Michael Salnick pushed back, saying that probation should not exceed three years because his client has no criminal history and has been law-abiding ever since his first court hearing.

In response to a letter from the victim claiming that Metzker was unrepentant because he only accepted the plea deal after two-and-a-half years.

Judge Neal Kravitz ordered that Metzker receive three years of probation, perform 100 hours of community service, and stay away from the victim. 

Metzker’s probation will remain supervised until he completes Reach, a counseling program for people involved in sexual abuse.