Judge Continues Hearing After Defense Expresses Skepticism Over Competency Finding

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On July 13, a DC Superior Court judge continued a hearing to July 24 in order to give a defense attorney more time to speak with the defendant about his mental competency to stand trial. 

Dontelle Mott is charged with assault on a police officer while armed and assault with a dangerous weapon while armed for allegedly threatening Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers with a knife on the 1000 block of Wisconsin Ave, NW on Dec. 5, 2019.

Judge Michael Ryan declared Mott competent to stand trial during the July 13 hearing based on a report he received from the Department of Behavioral Health on June 26. The competency evaluation was conducted at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, DC’s psychiatric institution, where the defendant is currently being held.

However, defense attorney Kevin Oliver disagrees. 

Oliver said he spoke to Mott on the phone last week and he did not seem competent. He also said he has not had much communication with Mott because he was waiting to receive the report.

The attorney said he would feel better about the finding if he was able to speak to Mott and his doctor.

Even though Judge Ryan found Mott competent, he did agree to continue the hearing so that Oliver can obtain more information.

According to court documents, Mott allegedly threatened a cashier who confronted him about taking items from a store on the 1000 block of Wisconsin Ave, NW on Nov. 13, 2019. The cashier was advised to contact DC Police if Mott returned, which he did on Dec. 5.

During the confrontation with police, Mott said he was “Illuminati.”

Mott was transferred from DC Jail to St. Elizabeth’s on Dec. 11, 2019. He was found mentally incompetent to stand trial on Jan. 13, Feb. 14 and March 13. 

Another competency report received on April 21 could not determine if he was competent to stand trial.