Judge Holds 6 Defendants During Initial Hearings

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On Sept. 28, DC Superior Court Judge Juliet McKenna released 34 defendants, held five defendants in DC Jail and held one defendant under the supervision of the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS).

Tyree Dean is a fugitive from justice who is charged with robbery in Maryland.

Dean’s attorney requested for him to be released under an order to turn himself in on his outstanding warrant. Judge McKenna denied the request due to Dean’s noncompliance with his current probation as well as his pending assault case. 

Dean will remain held, giving Maryland three days to pick him up from DC Jail.

Meko Brown is charged with carrying a pistol without a license outside of a home or business. 

According to court documents, Brown, 22, was identified through video footage which allegedly showed him firing shots at a man who was riding a dirt bike.

Brown’s attorney argued Brown was only identified from his clothing which isn’t sufficient enough evidence. However, the footage was shown to two Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers that are familiar with Brown. 

Judge McKenna chose to hold Brown due to some prior serious contacts similar in nature to his new charge that could make Brown a potential threat to the community.

Sonya Champ is charged with simple assault and attempted possession of a prohibited weapon. 

According to court documents, Champ, 39, allegedly lunged toward the victim’s throat with a razor blade in hand on the 3800 block of 9th Street, NW. 

The defense argued that no weapon was obtained from her when she was arrested, and the victim did not have any injuries. However, Judge McKenna decided to hold Champ in jail due to her noncompliance with other ongoing cases. 

Judge McKenna scheduled a mental observation hearing for Champ for Oct. 13.

Shayne Henderson is charged with contempt, as he has allegedly violated his release conditions.

The defense asked for Henderson, 21, to be released because he is currently employed and is financially supporting his three-year-old son. However, Judge McKenna denied the request.

“He is egregiously not compliant with his probation,” said Judge McKenna.

Judge McKenna scheduled Henderson’s next hearing for Oct. 13.

Cornell Smith is charged with attempt to commit robbery while armed and robbery while armed in two different cases.

The first case was the robbery while armed which occurred on July 25 on the 500 block of 51st Street, NE. Smith, 17, allegedly shot at and stole a cellphone from the victim. The second incident happened on the same day and involved an attempted car theft with shots fired. 

Judge McKenna found that Smith could be a flight risk and chose to keep him held in the custody of the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DyRS) because Smith is a juvenile being charged as an adult. She scheduled Smith’s next hearing for Oct. 21.

Lamont Hammond is charged with unlawful possession of a firearm with a prior conviction and possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device.

The defense requested the 27 year old’s release due to a prior term of probation being completed successfully, saying Hammond can abide by court orders. However, Judge McKenna denied the request because Hammond was released last week and has found himself back in custody.

Judge McKenna scheduled Hammond’s next hearing for Oct. 21.

Of those released, ten defendants are charged in domestic violence cases. Eight of the defendants were given stay-away orders and two were given no harassing, assaulting, threatening or stalking (HATS) orders.

Two additional defendants are charged with being fugitives from justice. One defendant is wanted in Maryland for a charge of possession of dangerous drugs, and the other is wanted in Indiana for a crime against a person with a dangerous weapon. Both defendants were released by Judge McKenna with orders to turn themselves in to the demanding jurisdictions within 24 hours.

Judge McKenna also released ten individuals charged with misdemeanors. The charges included destruction of property, assault, attempted possession of a prohibited weapon, threats to do bodily harm, second-degree theft, unlawful entry onto private property, possession of a controlled substance, assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and lewd, indecent or obscene behavior. Nine of the defendants were given stay-away orders, while the final defendant was ordered to report to the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) once a week by phone.

Two defendants, charged with carrying a pistol without a license, were released with orders not to possess any firearms or ammunition at all.

Two defendants were charged with unauthorized use of a vehicle and four other defendants were charged with a DUI. Judge McKenna released them with various conditions, including stay-away orders, not driving without a valid license or after consuming alcohol or drugs and orders to get substance use assessments.

Four defendants were brought in on bench warrants for failing to appear at their hearings. They were all released. Three of the defendant were given new court dates in 2021 and one is having his probation terminated and case closed completely.

One final defendant, charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, has been in the hospital since Sept. 21, so Judge McKenna continued his hearing to Sept. 29.