Defense Considers Plea Offer

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On July 16, a DC Superior Court judge continued a case so a defense attorney could discuss a plea deal with his client. 

Francisco Roche is charged with unlawful possession of liquid PCP. 

On April 30, Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers pulled the defendant over on the 4200 block of Arkansas Avenue, NW.

Police said the stop was for invalid tags on Roche’s vehicle, according to court documents. Officers looked him up on the Washington Area Law Enforcement System and discovered his license was suspended in Maryland. 

Officers asked Roche to step out of the vehicle and tell them if there was anything in there they needed to know about. The defendant allegedly said, “I got PCP in the center console, I smoke PCP.” 

Police found a half-full 1oz clear glass vial containing a substance that smelled like PCP. 

Roche is being held without bail.

Judge Ronna Beck scheduled his next hearing for Aug. 3.