Judge Releases Carrying and Possession Defendant, Says It’s His Last Chance

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A DC Superior Court judge released a defendant into home confinement on July 23, saying it was his last chance to come into compliance with his release conditions.

James Quigley is charged with carrying a pistol without a license and possession of a controlled substance with the intent to distribute after the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) found him on the 4500 block of Quarles Street, NE with cocaine and a gun allegedly in his possession on June 21.

At the time of his arrest, Quigley was on pretrial release for an another firearms charge.

Quigley’s defense attorney, Corinne Schultz, argued that his client’s crimes are not crimes of violence. The attorney said his client could stay with a friend if released. 

The prosecution opposed any changes in release conditions, citing Quigley’s recent history of noncompliance.

Judge Michael Ryan said that the fact that the crimes were non-violent, along with Quigley’s month-long hold in DC Jail, were significant to him. 

Judge Ryan said the last set of release conditions he could impose was home confinement. He released Quigley and ordered him to report to the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) to receive a GPS monitoring device.

Quigley is only permitted to leave the home for verified medical appointments.

“This is your one last chance, and you should hear that language clearly,” Judge Ryan told Quigley.

Quigley is scheduled to appear in court again on Sept. 4 to evaluate his progress under home confinement.