Judge Continues Defendant’s Competency Treatment

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On July 27, a DC Superior Court judge continued a defendant’s treatment at DC’s psychiatric hospital so that he could regain competency to stand trial.

Julian Lewis is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon for allegedly hitting a woman on the head with a glass bottle he grabbed from a trash can on the 1200 block of U Street, NW on Oct. 31, 2019.

Lewis, 30, has been held at Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital since Jan. 16. The defendant was found incompetent to stand trial on Feb. 12, May 8 and July 27.

Defense attorney Stephen Logerfo said his client is able to understand the factual basis of what occurred but still has trouble understanding his charges. 

He is now voluntarily taking his medication and complying with the treatment. 

Judge Michael Ryan said the defendant is likely to gain competency with continued treatment.

“You’ve had a long journey so far, and you’re doing a lot right now,” he said. “I encourage you to keep doing what you’ve been doing.”

The victim in this case was taken to Howard University Hospital, where she was treated for a laceration to her left ear and a contusion to her head.

Lewis is scheduled for another mental health observation hearing on Aug. 24.