Judge Places Defendant on GPS Monitoring

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On Aug 4, a DC Superior Court judge released a defendant, placing him on GPS monitoring.

The defendant is charged with unlawful entry, violation of a Civil Protection Order (CPO), simple assault and contempt in a domestic violence case. 

Defense attorney Sean Coleman requested that his client be released to live in his sister’s home.

The prosecution did not oppose the motion, but asked that the defendant be placed on GPS monitoring due to the violent nature of the crimes. The prosecutor cited concerns over the safety of the victim, who has seven children and uses a wheelchair.

Judge John McCabe released the defendant due to how long he’s been incarcerated. “He deserves a chance out in the community,” he said.

The defendant has been held at the DC Jail since June 27. According to court documents, the defendant was rearrested for unlawful entry, violation of a CPO and contempt. He was held in DC jail from June 27 up until the Aug. 4 decision. He was also held from May 5 until June 19.

Conditions of the defendant’s pretrial release include: weekly contact with the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) and participation in mental health services as recommended by MBI Health Services, a certified behavioral health agency servicing the DC metropolitan area.

Judge McCabe gave the defendant a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

The defendant’s next hearing is scheduled for Sept. 22.