Judge Sentences Defendant to 8 Months of Probation

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A DC Superior Court judge sentenced a defendant to six months in jail, all of which was suspended, plus eight months of probation. 

Anthony Davis pleaded guilty to carrying a pistol without a license on Jan. 28. 

During the Aug. 5 sentencing, Judge Michael Ryan ordered Davis, 53, to register as a gun offender and pay $100 to the Victims of Violent Crime Act fund.

As conditions of his probation, he must take part in any program recommended by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA.)

The prosecutor said the offense was out of character for the defendant, who always focuses outwards on his employment, family life and community. 

Judge Ryan and defense attorney Andrew Ain also said the offense was unusual, given Davis’ kind nature. 

“I regret all of it,” said Davis. “It was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done.”

On Sept. 7, 2019, the defendant got into an argument with a Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officer after he kicked a beer bottle in the street. During the argument, Davis brandished a handgun, which he pointed in a downward direction on the 1300 block of Savannah Street, SE. 

He fled the scene on foot, but was ultimately apprehended by officers.