Prosecution Says It Needs 2 Experts to Testify

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During a status hearing on Oct 18, a prosecutor told a judge that it was important that two experts testified on the record. 

Master Matthew Thomas, 33, is charged with felony murder while armed for allegedly shooting 59-year-old Chijioke Agbakahi on the 5100 block of Georgia Ave, NW. Thomas is also charged with first and second-degree murder in a unrelated case in Prince George’s County, Md.

The prosecution said  DC Superior Court Judge Todd Edelman overlooked evidence of entering the ballistic experts to focus on other matters of the case.

One of the prosecutors asked DC Superior Court Judge Craig Iscoe to grant a hearing on Nov. 4, so the prosecution could question the firearms experts about DNA in the case. 

Thomas’ defense attorney, Heather Pinckney, said she did not have sufficient time to prepare for a cross examination of the experts by Nov. 4. She said the prosecution already had an opportunity to argue the importance of the experts but were dissatisfied with Judge Edeleman’s choice to bypass the motion.  

Pinckney said she would not be ready to cross the experts until January. She also said trial for the case is not scheduled until 2021, so there should be enough time for a delay. 

But, Judge Iscoe said a delay of the status hearing would affect not only his schedule, but also his ability to remain on the case. 

 Judge Iscoe scheduled a status hearing on Oct. 23 so all parties can come up with a detailed timeline for the case. 
