Judge Sentences Homicide Defendant to Three Years

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On Jan. 15, a DC Superior Court Judge accepted a defendant’s guilty plea and sentenced him to three years of incarceration.

On Aug. 28, 2020, Tyrone Hector, 52, was traveling in the wrong direction on a one-way street and collided with 43-year-old Derrick Benson, who was on a motorized scooter, at the intersection of Constitution Avenue and 11th Street, NE.

Benson died from the collision.

Originally, Hector was charged with involuntary manslaughter, but he took a plea agreement on Oct. 30 . He pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of negligent homicide.

Judge Neal Kravitz sentenced Hector to three years of incarceration with credit for time served. He has been at the jail since August of last year, so he will get credit for about six months. 

Additionally, once released, Hector will be placed on supervised release for three years. He also owes $100 to the Crime Victims Fund, which is due at the end of 2026.