Judge Denies Release for Defendant Charged with Child Sex Abuse

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A DC Superior Court judge denied a request to release a defendant charged with first-degree child sexual abuse while he awaits trial. 

The 34-year-old defendant is accused of sexually abusing a child between the ages of 13 and 14 years old..

Prosecutors argued that, if released, the defendant would pose a threat to the community. 

“This is an incident of poor judgment, not an incident that imposes any danger on the wider community,” defense attorney Joseph Wong said. Wong also argued that his client is not a flight risk.  

Still, Judge Marisa J. Demeo said she doubted if the defendant would comply with the conditions of his release based on text messages that she said show his intention to evade the police. 

Based on the violent and repetitive nature of the defendants’ other alleged crimes, Judge Demeo said she believes the defendant could pose a threat against the victim and community if released.  

The defendant’s next court date is scheduled for July 8. 

McKenzie Beard wrote this article.