Domestic Violence Defendant Enters Guilty Plea

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A domestic violence defendant pleaded guilty to felony assault with a dangerous weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm with a prior conviction. 

According to the proffer of facts,, the 28-year-old defendant, fired four shots at the victim on March 7, 2020, on the 2800 block of Hartford Street, SE. 

As part of an agreement with the prosecution, Kinney pleaded down from his initial charge of assault with intent to kill while armed to assault with a dangerous weapon. He also pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of a firearm with a prior conviction, which carries a one year mandatory minimum sentence. 

In exchange for Kinney’s plea on these two charges, the prosecution agreed to waive sentencing enhancement.

Judge Neal Kravitz scheduled Kinney to be sentenced on May 17. In the meantime, Kinney will remain held at DC Jail. 

This article was written by Vanessa Sousa.