Judge Takes Homicide Defendant Off High Intensity Supervision

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A DC Superior Court judge reduced a homicide defendant’s pretrial release conditions.

Jerome Myles is charged with second-degree murder while armed in the shooting of 19-year-old Antonio Dixon on the 900 block of 5th Street, SE on Oct. 20, 2018.

Myles, 22, was held at DC Jail when he picked up the charge the following November. In 2019, he was released into the High Intensity Supervision Program (HISP).

He has reportedly been compliant with his release conditions. The Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) recommended reducing the conditions.

The prosecution opposed this, citing the seriousness of the charges against Myles. But when Judge Milton Lee agreed to take him off HISP, the prosecutor asked him to have the defendant check in with the PSA twice a week.

Instead, Judge Lee decided to have him do so once a week. The check-ins are to happen over the phone.

Myles will no longer have to wear a GPS monitoring device. He will, however, have to undergo drug testing once those tests resume. 

The defendant’s next court appearance is scheduled for June 29. 

Myles is also charged with carrying a pistol without a license outside a home or business and possessing a firearm during a crime of violence in this case.