Carjacking Defendant Found Mentally Competent to Stand Trial

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DC Superior Court Judge Lynn Leibovitz determined a carjacking defendant competent after a mental observation hearing on June 11.

Kevin Settles, 37, is charged with four counts of possession of a firearm during a crime of violence, two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon, two counts of unlawful possession of a firearm, armed carjacking, attempted unarmed carjacking, assault on a police officer while armed, unlawful discharge of a firearm, possession of an unregistered firearm, and carrying a pistol without a license outside of his home or business.

He is charged for his alleged involvement in a non-fatal shooting on the 3000 block of B Street, SE, and proceeding to 100 block of Ridge Road, SE, where he allegedly shot at police as they attempted to stop him. 

Settles was previously found incompetent to stand trial in May of 2022. However, as of January of 2024, he has been deemed competent by doctors at the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH). 

Brian McDaniel, Settles’ defense attorney, alerted the court he wanted to challenge a recent report by DBH regarding Settles’ competency.

Due to the challenge, Judge Leibovitz ordered further evaluations.

Parties will reconvene Aug. 29. 

Notifications are not yet available for this specific case. Please check back later for updates. Thank you.