Carjacking Defendant Rejects Plea Offer, Wants Trial

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A carjacking defendant rejected a prosecution plea offer, opting to proceed to trial in a hearing on July 25 in front of DC Superior Court Judge Rainey Brandt

Michael Hines, 36, is charged with unarmed carjacking for his alleged involvement in a carjacking incident on the 900 block of Brentwood Road, NE on March 28. He is also charged with armed robbery for his alleged involvement in a robbery on March 22 on the 400 block of Rhode Island Avenue, NE. 

Hines is also facing additional charges for indecent exposure and lewd, indecent or obscene acts. 

During the hearing, Adam Harris, Hines’ defense attorney, affirmed his client declined the prosecution’s plea offer.

The offer, if accepted, would have required Hines to plead guilty to carjacking and assault with the intent to rob as well as the robbery charge, in exchange for the prosecution not seeking an indictment. The charges of indecent or obscene acts and indecent exposure would have been dismissed. 

To remain in compliance with the legal deadline, prosecution stated the trial date must be set before Nov. 2. 

Parties agreed to begin on Oct. 31. 

The prosecution asked for the sex-related charges to be heard along with the carjacking counts at the next hearing. 

Judge Brandt, who was standing in for DC Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro, informed parties that she will wait for Judge Di Toro to set the motion schedule, but will schedule the trial readiness hearing. 

Parties are scheduled to reconvene for a trial readiness hearing on Aug. 28.