DC Judge Holds 2 Defendants, Releases 17 During Initial Hearings

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On Dec. 8, DC Superior Court Judge Sean Staples held two defendants, released seventeen and continued one case during initial hearings.

Douglas Chambers is held as a fugitive from justice for a Virginia matter after he failed to appear at his extradition hearing on Nov. 25 in DC. Chambers was previously released from DC Jail on July 14 on the condition that he turn himself into the demanding authorities in Virginia, but he failed to do so. Chambers will be held for three business days for Virginia authorities to retrieve him. If they fail to do so, Chambers will be released and a hearing will be scheduled for him in DC.

Another defendant is held as a fugitive from justice for a Tennessee matter, in which he has an underlying charge of sex assault. He is held due to the severity of the alleged offense. The Tennessee authorities have three business days to retrieve him, unless they show cause for needing an extra three business days. If they fail to retrieve the defendant within the allotted time, he will be released, and another hearing will be scheduled for him in DC.

Of the 17 defendants released, seven of them are charged with felonies. Five of the defendants were released on their personal recognizance with orders not to possess or own a firearm or ammunition, one of whom was also given a stay away order. Another defendant was brought in on a bail violation for failing to appear at court and was released with an order to get back into compliance with the conditions of his release.

Five defendants with charges of domestic violence were released on their personal promise to return to court. Four of them were also given stay away orders.

Three defendants charged with misdemeanors were released with stay away orders. One of the defendants is also charged as a fugitive from justice and is ordered to turn himself in to the demanding authority.

In addition to the misdemeanor defendant, two other defendants charged as fugitives from justice were released with orders to turn themselves in to the demanding authorities. 

One defendant charged with lewd, indecent or obscene acts is currently hospitalized and his initial hearing is continued to Dec. 9. 

This article was written by Maansi Srivastava.