Defendant Found Competent to Stand Trial

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On July 14, a DC Superior Court judge found a defendant competent to stand trial and scheduled a hearing to determine if his case has enough evidence to proceed to trial. 

Tayshun Price, who is also known as Tay’shawn Price, is charged with assault with intent to commit armed robbery for allegedly trying to rob a store on the 600 block of Alabama Ave, SE on May 12. According to court documents, he allegedly assaulted a clerk in the process.

Price was found competent to stand trial after undergoing a competency evaluation in June with a Department of Mental Health psychologist.

Judge Ronna Beck scheduled Price’s next court hearing for July 28.

According to court documents, the victim said the suspect pointed a handgun at him and told him to open an ATM. When the clerk said he did not have the key, the suspect ordered him to turn around and told him to walk towards the entry to the cash registers. The victim said the suspect ordered him to open the door and pointed a gun at him, striking him in the head.

On May 23, Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers were flagged down for an armed robbery at an ice cream store on the 3000 block of Matin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE, where the suspect was locked inside. The officers identified the suspect as Tayshun Price and arrested him.

MPD officers matched the clothing Price was wearing as the same clothing worn by the suspect on video surveillance from the May 12 robbery.