Defendant in Non-Fatal Shooting May Lose Probation

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At a hearing on May 31, the status of E’mon Fleming’s probation came into question.

Fleming, 23, was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and carrying a pistol without a license after he was allegedly involved in a non-fatal shooting on the 1300 block of Columbia Road, NW on March 24, 2020. No one was reported injured in the incident.

Since then Fleming’s probation officer reported he has passed all drug tests, is employed, and has completed 90 hours of court-mandated community service. Ultimately his probation officer recommended lifting his probation.

However, the prosecution raised the issue of a pending charge brought against Fleming in January in Maryland. As a result the prosecution recommended that his probation be revoked considering Fleming allegedly broke the terms of his DC agreement .

DC Superior Court Judge Errol Arthur told both the prosecution and the defense that he would have to “pass” on his matter as Fleming’s defense attorney was unavailable and the public defender standing in did not know the specifics of the case.

No new hearing was scheduled.