Defendant Pleads Guilty to Multiple Charges

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On July 21, a DC Superior Court judge sentenced a defendant to one year on supervised probation. 

Jamie Bryant pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance during release, a bail violation, second-degree burglary and unlawful entry of a motor vehicle. 

“I sincerely apologize for having issues with pretrial services and the court order,” said Bryant. “Now that I have necessary mental health medication, I hope you understand that I have an appreciation for the time that I’ve served.”

Judge Ronna Beck suspended Bryant’s jail sentence for all charges and gave him credit for time served. She said Bryant has been a “plague to society” and must avoid any future arrests or he will be incarcerated for the time she suspended. 

“I really do want you to succeed on probation,” said Judge Beck.

Bryant’s probation conditions include participating in a mental health screening, substance abuse assessment, an employment assistance program, a vocational assessment and housing assistance.

According to a court document, Bryant was arrested for distribution of crack cocaine during an undercover operation on Feb. 4 at the intersection of North Capitol Street and O Street, NW. The judge released Bryant on personal recognizance, ordering him to stay away from the location of the crime.

Bryant failed to appear for a hearing on March 11. A bench warrant was issued, and he was charged with a bail violation.

He was arrested on March 18 for unlawful entry of a motor vehicle when he was found searching through the trunk of another person’s car. The defendant was released on March 19 with conditions. 

Less than two weeks later, Bryant was arrested for second-degree burglary for an incident that occurred at a construction site on the 1000 block of 21st Street, NW.

DC Superior Court Judge Heide Herrmann decided to hold Bryant at DC Jail.