Defendant Rejects Plea Offer, Judge Finds Probable Cause in Stabbing

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A defendant rejected a plea offer during a hearing before DC Superior Court Judge Robert Hildum on March 5. 

Keimontay Holston, 21, is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon for his alleged involvement in stabbing of an inmate at DC Department of Correction Central Detention Facility, located at the 1900 block of D Street SE, on Jan. 20. 

Prosecutors extended a plea offer, which would require Holston to plead guilty to the charge of assault with a dangerous weapon in exchange for the prosecution not seeking an indictment. Holston rejected the offer.

A detective testified that he questioned a witness, a correction officer at the facility, who identified Holston through video footage. According to the witness, he only saw fists being thrown initially and observed no weapons. He reported that the victim was lying in bed when the suspect entered the cell and punched him. 

Another witness who also works at the facility identified Holston as the alleged suspect and similarly stated that they did not see Holston with a weapon.

The defense argued againstg probable cause highlighting the fact that no one directly witnessed Holston entering the cell with a weapon, the events inside were not recorded and that the shank could have already been in the cell prior to Holston’s entry.

The prosecution countered, emphasizing the fact that the surveillance footage captured Holston walking into the cell with a sharp object, depicts Holston fighting in the hallway, running away and removing his sweatshirt which contained a metal shank. Prosecutors also stressed the fact that both witnesses identified Holston as the person who attacked the complainant.

The judge ultimately found probable cause.

Parties are set to reconvene March 27.