Defendant Shows Up to Hearing as Judge Considers Bench Warrant

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A defendant arrived at her hearing as a DC Superior Court judge considered issuing a bench warrant for her arrest. 

Brittney Marshall, 26, is charged with unlawful entry onto public property for allegedly walking into a United States Secret Service restricted area on Feb. 11. She was put on pretrial release and ordered to stay away from the White House Complex. However, she allegedly violated the order on Feb. 18, causing her to be charged with contempt.

Marshall is also charged with attempted threats to do bodily harm for allegedly threatening a victim after becoming upset over living arrangements on Feb. 20 on the 1300 block of Alabama Avenue, SE.

A full competency examination was ordered on April 30. She was held at St. Elizabeth Hospital for treatment. Judge Michael Ryan deemed her competent to stand trial on July 27. He also ordered for her to be released from the hospital within 48 hours. She was instructed to report to the Specialized Supervision Unit (SSU) of the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA.)

Marshall was not present at the start of her Aug. 7 hearing. Judge Ryan said that a PSA representative alerted him that Marshall was never assigned a supervisor due to an error within the agency.

Another PSA representative updated Judge Ryan, saying that Marshall was connected to mental health services and has been seeing a doctor.

Marshall’s attorney, Peter Cooper, did not know where his client was and did not have contact with her. The prosecution requested a bench warrant, which Judge Ryan said he was considering issuing when Marshall arrived at the hearing.

After Marshall arrived, Judge Ryan confirmed that she had been going to her doctors appointments.

Marshall’s next court appearance is scheduled for Aug. 12.