Defense Plans to Conduct DNA Testing for Murder Case

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During a status hearing on Oct. 11,  a defense attorney told a judge that her client would like to independently test DNA evidence. 

Jessie Taylor, 43, is charged with second-degree murder while armed and two gun offenses for his alleged role in the shooting death of his girlfriend, 49-year-old Bernadette King on the 2400 block of Elvans Road, SE in 2018.

Taylor’s defense attorney Dominique Winters said she does not think the DNA testing would delay her client’s trial, which is scheduled to begin on Feb. 18, 2020.

DC Superior Court Judge Craig Iscoe also set a motions deadline on Jan. 9. Oppositions to the motions are due on Jan. 23.  Expert notices are also due on Jan. 9.  

According to Judge Iscoe, both parties are expected to have expert witnesses. 

Taylor’s trial readiness hearing is scheduled on Feb. 4, 2020.