Domestic Violence Defendant Faces No Additional Jail Time

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On Nov. 9, a felony domestic violence defendant received a fully suspended sentence. 

Dimitrious Brown was originally charged with assault with significant bodily injury. However, he pleaded down to a lesser charge of simple assault. He was also sentenced for contempt.

Judge Julie Becker sentenced Brown to one year, all of which was suspended, plus one year of probation. 

“We do recognize that Mr. Brown is very young and has made progress, but there were serious injuries to the victim,” said the prosecution. 

The assault rendered the victim unconscious, but defense attorney Sellano Simmons said that the victim faints easily when she gets excited. 

Judge Becker reduced the stay away to an order not to Harass, Assault, Threaten or Stalk (HATS) the victim. Brown must also pay $150 to the Victims of Violent Crime (VVC) Compensation Fund. 

“Mr. Brown, I wish you the best of luck,” said Judge Becker. 

Sierra Robbins wrote this article.

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