Domestic Violence Defendant Pleads Out

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A DC Superior Court judge sentenced a domestic violence defendant to probation.

Louis Poteat was initially charged with assault with a dangerous weapon last November. During the April 6 hearing, he pleaded down to a charge of simple assault.

Judge William Nooter sentenced the 37-year-old defendant to 120 days, all of which were suspended, plus one year of supervised probation.

According to the proffer of facts, Poteat swung an open folding knife towards the victim, causing her to sustain a hand injury that required stitches. 

The victim did not make an impact statement, but the prosecutor told Judge Nooter that she wants Poteat to serve jail time but understands the prosecution’s wish to request a probation only sentence.

A representative with the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) also reported that the defendant was doing well on pretrial release.

As part of his probation, Poteat is required to partake in drug testing as deemed necessary by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA.) He must also pay $100 to the Victims of Violent Crime (VVC) compensation fund. 

“Good luck to you,” Judge Nooter told him. “I have confidence that you will complete this probation period successfully.”