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D.C. Witness Staff
- August 29, 2018
As of Aug. 27, most homicides in the District of Columbia are gun related, according to D.C. Witness data.

Map of the 103 homicides that occurred in Washington, DC, in 2018, as of Aug. 27
The data shows there were 104 homicides so far this year, including two police-involved shootings and two self-defense deaths. The Metropolitan Police Department is currently investigating the two police-involved shootings and one death that involved a self defense claim.
The majority of the homicides occurred East of the Anacostia River.
Data shows that 58 homicides took place in Southeast DC and 29 homicides took place in Northeast. Twelve homicides occurred in Northwest and five occurred in Southwest.
Broken down by murder type, D.C. Witness data notes that two people were killed by vehicles, 18 were stabbed, 78 were shot and six deaths were trauma-related. A weapon was not specified for the trauma-related deaths.
Arrests were made for 39 of the homicides. Police are still investigating 64 cases from 2018, alone. The police are not investigating Ibria Anderson’s shooting death as a homicide because, according to news reports, the shooting is being considered self defense. Anderson apparently died in a shootout in Southeast DC.
According to the Office of the Medical Examiner of the District of Columbia, there have been 103 homicides.

Map of homicides in which no firearm was involved that occurred in Washington, D.C., between Jan. 1 and Aug. 27, 2018.
The map, on the left, shows the 26 non-firearm-related deaths that occurred in Washington, DC, from Jan. 1 through Aug. 27. This map includes the location of Jeremy Bond‘s death. Bond, 28, was stabbed by a Metro employee at the Friendship Heights metro station on July 24. Police are still investigating the case’s self defense claim.

Map of all homicides that resulted from gun violence in Washington, DC, between Jan. 1 and Aug. 27.
The map, on the right, shows all gun-related deaths that occurred in Washington, DC, from Jan. 1 through Aug. 27.
Between June 25 and Aug. 20, MPD recovered 122 illegal firearms located in Washington, DC, according to press releases.

Map of all illegal firearms recovered by MPD between June 25 and Aug. 20.
The individual location of each recovered firearm is shown on the map to the left.
During the same period of time, 19 people were killed as a result of gun-related violence in the city.

A map of all gun-violence fatalities (blue) as of Aug. 27, and illegal firearms recovered by MPD (red) between June 25 and Aug. 20.

Map Key
Editor’s Note: Content will be updated to account for the full month of August.