In Sentencing, Judge Says Shooter Created ‘A Reign of Terror’

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DC Superior Court Judge Michael Ryan sentenced Joseph Hall, 25, to five-years in prison for shooting at police and “creating a reign of terror” during a robbery attempt.

Hall pleaded guilty to robbery and assault with a dangerous weapon in connection with an incident that happened on Aug. 25, 2022 on the 3500 block of Sixth Street, SE.  

According to court documents, Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers exchanged gunfire with Hall as he was attempting to steal a car occupied by two special police officers on duty at the time.  Prior to the melee, Hall allegedly pointed a gun at the security officers in their car saying, “Give up the keys…or I’m going to blow your head up!”

In a victim impact statement read at the sentencing, one of the officers wrote, “I feel in danger 24/7.” She said she suffers from PTSD, anxiety and depression. “I would have been dead had it not been for divine intervention,” she continued.  For her ongoing pain and suffering she said a five-year sentence isn’t enough.  

During the proceeding, Judge Ryan described Hall’s trouble-plagued background of trauma, drug abuse and lack of effective parenting.  Of note, was Hall’s use of the mind-altering drug, PCP which he had allegedly taken before the incident and several convictions in Virginia including theft. 

Hall apologized to the victims in court saying, “I didn’t mean to do this…I’m sorry I put your lives in danger.”

Considering Hall’s history, Judge Ryan said he was passing sentence under DC’s Youth Rehabilitation Act which means that upon completion of his sentence Hall’s conviction will functionally disappear and be kept confidential unless he’s convicted of a more serious offense.  

In addition to jail time, Hall will be on supervised probation for three years.

“You need to spend every day making certain that this doesn’t happen again,” said Judge Ryan.