Judge Changes Release Conditions for Defendants in Shooting Case

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On July 6, DC Superior Court Judge Errol Arthur granted a defense motion to modify the conditions of release for co-defendants in a shooting incident.

Shatia Penn, 24, and Desmond Barr, 21, have each been charged with assault with a dangerous weapon for allegedly firing at a vehicle following a physical dispute that occurred on Feb. 6, 2023, around the 100 block of M Street NE.

Defense attorneys started the proceeding by complaining that prosecutors failed to share evidence in the case.

“We have received absolutely nothing,” Barr’s attorney, Lola Ziadie, said, frustrated about the lack of communication from the original prosecuting attorney, who was not present in court.

Subsequently, the defense brought forward a previous motion to change the conditions of each defendant’s release. 

Judge Arthur ended Penn’s original requirement to wear a GPS monitoring device since she has been receiving medical care following a car accident involving Barr. However, she must remain in contact with the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA).

Barr is in a wheelchair from injuries sustained in the accident with Penn. Judge Arthur took Barr off curfew but said he must comply with his GPS monitoring. 

Parties are set to be heard again in front of Judge Arthur on Sep. 8.