Judge Continues Sex Abuse Hearing For Plea Negotiations

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At the defense’s request, a DC Superior Court judge continued a March 22 hearing in a sex abuse case, so parties could have more time to discuss a possible plea deal.

The 31-year-old defendant is charged with assault with intent to commit first-degree sexual abuse by force, threat to kidnap or injure a person, assault with a dangerous weapon, and assault on a police officer while armed. He is accused of pushing the victim onto a bed and sexually threatening her before eventually letting her go after she pleaded with him. 

Defense attorney Jon Armstrong told Judge Milton Lee that he would need extra time not only to discuss the plea offer with the prosecution, but also his client since communication at the DC Jail is more difficult due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Judge Lee scheduled the next hearing for April 12.

Sarah Gebrengus wrote this article.