Judge Continues to Deny Juvenile’s Motion for Release in Non-Fatal Shooting

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On Oct. 4, DC Superior Court Judge Robert Salerno denied a juvenile defendant’s motion for release, citing dangerousness and flight risk. 

The 17-year-old male is charged with assault with intent to kill for his alleged involvement in a non-fatal shooting on June 9 on the 2200 block of Alabama Avenue, SE. The incident left an adult female suffering from life-threatening injuries. 

The juvenile’s defense attorney has previously motioned for release, stating that he has always been a good student and has substantial family and community support that would assure he succeeds if released. 

The defense attorney added the defendant was attacked by a group of individuals in the Youth Services Center (YSC) and believes he remains vulnerable there. Therefore, she moved for his release stating his legal guardian would guarantee he’s enrolled in school and remains compliant with release conditions. 

Social Services told Judge Salerno, when they visited the juvenile on Sept. 29, he did not mention being attacked or feeling vulnerable in the detention center. They requested he continue to be detained.

Prosecutors agreed, citing the defendant as dangerous and a flight risk. 

Ultimately, Judge Salerno denied the defense’s request for release, stating that he remains a danger and poses a flight risk. He also mentioned the detention center is taking significant steps to maintain the juvenile’s safety moving forward. 

Parties are expected back for a trial readiness hearing on Oct. 18.