Judge Decides to Keep Defendant in Psych Ward

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A DC Superior Court judge decided June 24 that a defendant charged with robbery should stay in the psychiatric ward.

Gerald Rich is accused of robbing two construction workers on the 5000 block of F Street, SE on Dec, 13, 2019, and fleeing with an accomplice in a red Hyundai Kona SUV. He apparently robbed another construction worker the previous day just two blocks away.

The Department of Behavioral Health wanted Rich released from the psychiatric ward at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, DC’s psychiatric institution, and sent to jail. According to the department, Rich is a safety hazard to hospital staff and patients. Department physicians also found Rich competent to stand trial.

Defense attorney Corrine Schultz argued that Rich only became competent because he received involuntary medication at St. Elizabeth’s, citing the institution’s lack of legal authority to administer involuntary medication.

Judge Michael Ryan sided with the defense.

Rich’s next hearing is scheduled for July 27.