Judge Finds Probable Cause Only for Lesser Homicide Charge

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On Nov. 20, a DC Superior Court judge determined that a homicide case has enough evidence to go to trial, but only on a lesser charge. 

Stephon Williams was initially charged with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of his father, 49 year-old Stephen Magruder.  The shooting allegedly happened during an argument on the 700 block of 51 street, NE on Sept. 11. Williams, 29, was arrested that day.

During the Nov. 20 preliminary hearing, Judge Neal Kravitz found that there was not probable cause for the murder charge, but there was for a charge of voluntary manslaughter while armed.

According to the prosecution, the two got into an argument over five dollars and there is evidence that some sort of physical altercation took place. Williams, 29, was photographed with a cut on his lip and blood was also found around the apartment. 

The prosecution  introduced several exhibits, including Body Worn Camera (BWC) footage of the defendant and officers. They also called on a Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) detective to testify.

Williams’ defense attorney, Jason Tulley, emphasized the victim’s longstanding history of violence. He cited his previous criminal history, including a 2017 conviction for assault and destruction of property. 

Tulley also called on an investigator with the DC public defender’s office to testify. The investigator had interviewed several relatives about the father-son relationship. She testified that the relatives said that the dad had a vicious temper and regularly beat his son. 

After making his ruling, Judge Kravitz decided to release Williams under the High Intensity Supervision Program (HISP) and set a status conference for April 28. 

This article was written by Yasmeen McGettrick.