Judge Holds Defendant at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital

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On Aug. 11, a DC Superior Court judge transferred a defendant to St. Elizabeths Hospital, DC’s psychiatric institution.

The defendant is charged with leaving after colliding, fleeing a law enforcement officer, assault with a dangerous weapon, destruction of property less than $1,000, assault with the intent to commit first-degree sexual abuse, simple assault, threats to do bodily harm, assault on a police officer and resisting arrest. The charges stem from four incidents that took place in June and July. One incident is a felony, two are misdemeanor cases and one of the incidents was domestic violence related.

After a doctor recommended that the defendant continue receiving mental health treatment, Judge Michael Ryan decided to bring him to St. Elizabeth’s and order a full mental competency exam.

“He should continue to be detained and give the doctor a further chance to assess his competency,” said the prosecutor, who agreed with the doctor’s recommendation. “There is an undeniable red flag here where he has no criminal history and he’s suddenly picking up a series of cases.”

The defendant’s next hearing is scheduled for Sept. 9.