Judge Holds Shooting Defendant Citing Previous Offenses

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DC Superior Court Judge Heide Herrmann ruled to hold a defendant accused in a non-fatal shooting in a hearing on Feb. 14.

Jose Navarro, 40, is charged with carrying a pistol without a license outside his home or business, unlawful discharge of a firearm, and unlawful possession of a firearm with a prior conviction, for his alleged involvement in shooting six rounds from a gun in the middle of the night. The incident occurred on the 1800 block of Hamlin Street, NE, on Feb. 12. 

Joseph Molina, Navarro’s attorney, informed the court of Navarro’s intention to forego a preliminary hearing and Judge Herrmann accepted Navarro’s waiver in that he understood it would have been an opportunity to determine if there were sufficient reason to proceed with the case.

Molina also asked that Navarro be released, asserting that there was no indication he threatened or assaulted anyone with his weapon or robbed any individual. Navarro also has never been subject to a bench warrant.

The prosecution argued against release claiming the evidence against Navarro is strong, including body camera footage said to show officers finding him on the scene and recovering his gun. Navarro also has three prior firearm-related offenses and an active warrant in Maryland for assault, according to the prosecution. 

Judge Herrmann denied Navarro’s release on the grounds he is unlikely to abide by the court’s conditions.

Parties are slated to reconvene Feb. 28.