Judge Issues 3 Bench Warrants During Pretrial Hearings

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A DC Superior Court judge presided over seven pretrial show cause hearings on Oct. 23. 

Sulleman Harrington is charged with aggravated assault knowingly while armed, simple assault and destruction of property over $1,000.

On Oct. 20, 2019, Harrington allegedly stabbed the victim three times on the 5000 block of Benning Road, SE, following an argument. Harrington was re-arrested for allegedly kicking in the glass door of a liquor store that following December. 

The victim was in critical condition and suffered a brain bleed, collapsed lung, punctured left orbital bone and multiple lacerations. He has since recovered.

Harrington was removed from home confinement in his last hearing on Oct. 9. Since then he has violated his stay away order twice. 

“You’ve put me in a really tough position here,” said Judge Julie Becker. “I don’t want to have to put you back on home confinement.” 

Judge Becker decided to discharge the show cause, but warned Harrington that if he enters his stay away zone again he will be placed back on home confinement. 

Dashawn Vines is charged with assault on a police officer, threats to do bodily harm, resisting arrest and unlawful entry of private property. 

Vines, 20, was advised on Aug. 14 by Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers that he was barred from a hotel on the 50th block of M Street, SE. He was escorted out, but then he allegedly entered again despite being warned repeatedly that he would be arrested. Vines allegedly attacked officers when they moved to arrest him. 

The PSA reported that Vines has been noncompliant and has failed to check in weekly. 

Judge Becker decided to continue the show cause hearing to Nov. 20 so Vines has another chance to comply with his release conditions. 

Ashley Hines was not present for his pretrial show cause hearing and has been a total loss of contact with the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) since February. 

Hines, 56, is charged with failing to register as a sex offender and for not appearing before the court as ordered. He was convicted of assault with intent to commit rape in 1986 and is supposed to be a lifelong registree on the sex offender list. 

Judge Becker granted the prosecution’s request to issue a bench warrant for his arrest. 

Elton Harper, 45, was also absent from his pretrial show cause hearing. He has not been compliant with PSA since his release in May. 

Harper is charged with possession of amphetamine and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia. 

His attorney, John Machado, said he has not heard from his client. 

Judge Becker issued a bench warrant for his arrest as well. 

Judge Becker also issued a bench warrant for Jerome Hinkel after he failed to appear for his pretrial show cause hearing. 

Hinkel, 47, is charged with unlawful possession of cocaine and has been a loss of contact since his release in March. 

Defense attorney Angela Ramsey said that her client is homeless and she has no way of contacting him. 

Samuel Broughton, 23, is charged with simple assault after he allegedly pushed a man when they were fighting about electric scooters on Oct. 9, 2018. He was re-arrested while on pretrial release for failing to appear in court for a separate case. 

According to the PSA, Broughton has been a loss of contact since April. 

Broughton’s attorney, Sean Murphy, says his client did not own a phone until recently. With a phone, Murphy says will be able to comply with the PSA conditions. 

Judge Becker extended the show cause to Nov. 20, so Broughton can come back into compliance. 

Abel Gizaw’s pretrial show cause was discharged by Judge Becker since the PSA reported that he has come back into compliance. 

Gizaw is charged with second-degree theft and receiving stolen property over $1,000. 

Judge Becker said that he must maintain his release conditions going forward and set the next hearing for March 10. 

Sierra Robbins wrote this article.