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D.C. Witness Staff
- December 1, 2020
Daily Stories
A DC Superior Court judge issued five bench warrants to defendants who failed to appear in court during the pretrial and probation show cause hearings over which he presided on Nov. 30.
One of the bench warrants Judge Michael O’Keefe issued was for a defendant charged with simple assault.
Chantel Cooper, 38, received several notices of noncompliance with her pretrial release conditions. A bench warrant for her arrest was also issued on Sept. 14 for failure to appear at a pretrial show cause hearing.
Another bench warrant was issued for a defendant charged in four misdemeanor cases.
Arthur Putman is charged with attempted threats to do bodily harm, contempt of a condition of release violation and simple assault in three separate 2019 cases. In his 2020 case, he is charged with unlawful entry onto private property. The 66-year-old has been a loss of contact with the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) and has picked up new cases in Florida.
A bench warrant was issued for a defendant who is on probation in two cases that date back to 2018.
Joevaughn Harris pleaded guilty to attempted assault with a dangerous weapon in May 2018 in one case and robbery in December 2018 for another. He was placed on one year of supervised probation in both cases, which were ordered to run consecutively. Several notices of noncompliance have been filed against him.
On Nov. 13, he missed a probation show cause hearing due to an infection from a gunshot wound in his leg.
A bench warrant was issued for a 40-year-old defendant for her four misdemeanor cases.
Lillian Ledbetter pleaded guilty to simple assault and destruction of property less than $1,000. A bench warrant was also issued for her failure to appear to a probation show cause hearing on Oct. 30.
Judge O’Keefe also issued a bench warrant for a defendant to get him back into compliance.
James Slater, 52, pleaded guilty to simple assault on Oct. 22, 2019. He was given one year of supervised probation. On Oct. 27, a bench warrant was issued for his failure to appear to a probation show cause hearing.
The judge also continued a hearing for a defendant charged in two misdemeanor cases to give him time to undergo a mental health assessment.
The 47-year-old defendant charged with simple assault and misdemeanor sex abuse in two separate cases. Several notices of noncompliance have been filed against him.
His hearing is scheduled for Dec. 21.
A probation show cause hearing was continued for a defendant currently in inpatient care.
Amadu Fomah pleaded guilty to three counts of simple assault and disorderly conduct on May 8, 2019. He was given two years supervised probation. In a probation show cause hearing on Sept. 22, Judge Julie Becker set a hearing to monitor Fomah’s progress through treatment.
Fomah is set to finish his treatment in April, so a hearing was scheduled for April 14.
A probation show cause hearing was continued for a defendant in order to give her attorney, John Harvey, time to get into contact with her.
Daniyah Dailey, 21, is charged with simple assault. A notice of noncompliance with her pretrial release conditions was filed on Oct. 30. Both her defense attorney and a PSA official said she has been a loss of contact and that this has been an ongoing issue.
The hearing is scheduled for Dec. 10.
The last hearing continued was that of a defendant who has been locked up in Prince George’s County, Md. since June.
Norman Burr, 41, is charged with second-degree theft and shoplifting. Two notices of noncompliance were filed on Feb. 18 and Nov. 12. The case was continued for March 24 in hopes that his defense attorney, Alvin Thomas, will have more clarity on Burr’s Maryland matter.
Judge O’Keefe revoked probation for defendant Deangelo Washington, due to his longstanding history of noncompliance.
Washington pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of a firearm with a prior conviction on May 7, 2019, and was given one year of supervised probation. Since his last show cause hearing on Oct. 30, he has failed to contact the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) and has not yet received mental health treatment.
The judge terminated Washington’s probation as unsuccessful. A sentence was not imposed.
The judge discharged a pretrial show cause hearing for a defendant who has come into compliance with conditions of release.
Savion Tate, 19, is charged with robbery. He has had several notices of noncompliance filed against him and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest on June 5 for his failure to appear to a show cause hearing. His case is pending a grand jury.
Lastly, Davon White’s hearing was vacated.
The 27-year-old is charged with unlawful entry onto private property and destruction of property less than $1000.