Judge Keeps Defendant in Jail Until Sentencing

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On Aug. 26, a defendant pleaded guilty to attempted assault with a dangerous weapon.

Javon Hale was originally charged with assault with a dangerous weapon for an incident that occurred on May 5. On that day, an Uber driver told Hale he could not drive the amount of people who were with him due to COVID-19 guidelines. The driver cancelled the trip and Hale then chased and stabbed the victim in the abdomen. 

Hale’s attorney, James Williams, asked for his client to be released while he awaits sentencing. He said that Hale could greatly benefit from the types of services he could get on release, specifically anger management. 

The prosecution asked that the defendant be held because the attack was unprovoked. The victim spent three days recovering in the hospital. 

DC Superior Court Judge Julie Becker decided to hold Hale due to his history of not complying with probation. 

Hale is scheduled to be sentenced on Oct. 29.