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Adriana Marroquin
- May 9, 2023
Daily Stories
Non-Fatal Shooting
On May 9, DC Superior Court Judge Rainey Brandt ordered the rearrest of a man charged with assault with intent to kill following alleged probation violations.
On March 1, Markeis Crandall, 19, was convicted of aggravated assault knowingly while armed for his involvement in a non-fatal shooting that left two individuals injured. The incident occurred on Nov. 26, 2021, on the 2200 block of Minnesota Avenue, SE.
According to Crandall’s probation officer, he has been violating his release conditions since January. He tested positive for fentanyl use, failed to show up for court-ordered anger management classes, and lied about working. He had previously failed to successfully complete a court ordered residential drug-treatment program.
Prosecutors said they are worried about Crandall’s fentanyl use at such a young age, arguing the drug is dangerous and the consequences could make him a danger to the community.
Sellano Simmons, Crandall’s defense attorney, argued the defendant has been experiencing various high-stress situations, and has taken accountability for his failures and shown up at anger-management classes.
When prosecutors and probation officers requested the court arrest Crandall for his various violations, Simmons suggested Crandall be allowed to turn himself into the Re-Entry & Sanctions Center (RSC) for treatment.
Judge Brandt alerted the parties that since this is a repeated issue, she couldn’t trust Crandall to turn himself in to receive the treatment he needs, and due to her schedule, she couldn’t take time now to decide if his probation should be revoked or if he should be allowed to have a second chance at receiving the treatment he need.
Judge Brandt ordered that US Marshals take Crandall into custody, and hold him at DC Jail until his next hearing.
“Young man, I’m taking you off the streets to save your life. The only place you’re going to end up is six feet under with a grieving mother,” she said.
Parties are expected back in court on May 26.