Judge Postpones Decision on Accepting Plea Deal

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Richard Goodwin, 29, was initially charged with first-degree sex abuse for the sexual assault of a woman on Feb. 15 in a residence on the 1500 block of F Street, NE. During a Nov. 5 hearing, he agreed to plead down to two counts of third-degree sexual abuse as part of an agreement with prosecutors.

The plea deal includes an agreement between parties that an appropriate sentence would be two to four years of incarceration run concurrently, according to court documents.

The prosecution also agreed to “dismiss and not indict on any other related charges.”

During the hearing, Judge Neal Kravitz said he wanted to “defer the ruling on whether or not I accept the plea deal until I can review the sentencing guidelines.”

Parties are scheduled to reconvene on Nov. 10. In the meantime, Goodwin will remain held at DC Jail.