Judge Pushes Hearing Back to Give Victim Opportunity to Make an Impact Statement

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On July 14, DC Superior Court Judge Erik Christian postponed a hearing, so a victim would be available to make a victim impact statement.

Sean Brislin is charged with unlawful entry onto private property for allegedly entering a victim’s home on the 200 block of K Street, NE, and sleeping in her bed on Jan. 25.

Parties are planning on entering into a deferred prosecution agreement during the upcoming hearing. In the agreement the defendant’s charges would be dismissed if he completes certain requirements. 

The victim said she wanted to make a statement during the hearing.

The prosecution informed the victim of the hearing date and time in early July.

The prosecutor said there was constant communication with the victim until last night, when the victim said she would not be able to participate in the hearing because of a cold and allergies. 

The victim did not reply to the prosecutor’s request for a written statement, the prosecutor said. He attempted to call the victim during the hearing, but she did not pick up.

Defense attorney Christopher Mutimer opposed the request, saying the victim was “showing it’s not a priority” through her actions.

Brislin allegedly entered a victim’s residence without permission. The victim found him sleeping in her bedroom after she took out the trash. She left the door closed but unlocked and did not give the defendant permission to enter, according to court documents.

The victim and Brislin did not know each other.