Judge Puts Off Scheduling Trial Date for 3 Defendants

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A DC Superior Court judge postponed setting a trial date for three co-defendants, saying that the suspension of jury trials due to COVID-19 prevented him from being able to do so.

Tony Horne, Dexter Brown and Gregory Sharps are charged with conspiracy, possession of a firearm during a crime of violence, second-degree burglary while armed, kidnapping while armed, robbery while armed, assault with a dangerous weapon, first-degree theft, possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute while armed, assault on a police officer while armed, unlawful possession of a firearm while armed, carrying a pistol without license outside of a home or business, possession of an unregistered firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition.

Brown is also charged with fleeing law enforcement, reckless driving and possessing of a large capacity ammunition feeding device.

Horne, Brown and Sharpe were charged with armed kidnapping and robbery on Feb. 12, 2019 at 500 block of H Street, NE. The defendants allegedly robbed an unlicensed marijuana dispensary at gunpoint and zip-tied the employees.

All three defendants have been detained at DC Jail since October of 2019. They have motioned for release on multiple occasions, citing unsafe medical conditions and possible exposure to COVID-19.

Judge Neal Kravitz said that, due to the extension of DC Court’s emergency order, any trial date that could have been set during the hearing would eventually change. He said this is because other defendants are waiting for their jury trials to begin once the emergency order is lifted.

Judge Kravitz said scheduling of a potential trial date could put all three defendants lower on the priority list for court dates.

Brown’s defense attorney, Sean Murphy, also asked Judge Kravitz for a bail modification hearing, which Judge Kravitz accepted.

Murphy said he filed a motion in late April over concern of Brown’s diabetic condition, which puts him at high risk for COVID-19. Murphy also said Brown was receiving inadequate care after his cellmate was diagnosed with the virus.

All three defendants are scheduled for another hearing on Sept. 9 to address a plea offer from the prosecution.